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11 November

Mondays - Exploring Theosophy

7.30 pm   -   4 Warborough Ave, Epsom, Auckland
The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - Session 7
18 November

Mondays - Founders Day Celebration

7.30 pm   -   4 Warborough Ave, Epsom, Auckland
Official T.S. Birthday. Come and join us today to find out more about the founding of the T.S.
25 November

Mondays - Exploring Theosophy

7.30 pm   -   4 Warborough Ave, Epsom, Auckland
The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett -Session 8
02 December

Mondays - Exploring Theosophy

7:30 pm   -   4 Warbourough Ave, Epsom, Auckland
Discussion Evening - Final session for the year.
08 December

Christmas Celebration Evening

7.00 pm   -   4 Warborough Ave, Epsom, Auckland
Come and enjoy Music, Stories, and Poetry - Followed by a shared supper afterwards.(Bring a plate to share).
16 January

TSNZ Convention 2025

16 to 21 January 2025.   -   Rose Park Hotel, Parnell, Auckland
National Section Event: NZ Convention 2025


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We are Explores of the Divine Wisdom, located in Auckland. We're part of a worldwide organisation.