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  • Life After Death

    Death and After Death States

    Theosophy teaches that after a person dies, the Ego and its non-physical bodies undergo a process consisting of multiple stages before reincarnating. The process may be very brief (as in young children or cases of premature death) or it can be as long as 3,000 years. Theosophical literature, particularly the Mahatma Letters, has extensive teachings about the after-death states, some of which have received validation in parapsychological studies in the past century or so.

  • Fields Of Consciousness

    Our personal Inner Nature, which we all have in common, is something we need to understand if we are to know ourselves. The common notion that a person is a physical body and has a soul might be better reversed. Thinking that the physical body is the real person is like mistaking a house for the person who lives inside it. Theosophy teaches that we are really the "monad" or inner unity, a fragment of divinity, a spark of the divine flame, which lives in many houses.

  • Theosophical Worldview

    The Theosophical Society, while reserving for each member full freedom to interpret those teachings known as Theosophy, is dedicated to preserving and realizing the ageless wisdom, which embodies both a worldview and a vision of human self-transformation.

    This tradition is founded upon certain fundamental propositions:

  • The Freedom of Thought

    To ensure the rights of the membership in regards to the questions of democracy and freedom of thought, the General Council of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) passed the following resolution in 1924:

  • Mission and Object

    Our Mission

    To serve humanity by cultivating an ever deepening understanding and realisation of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual self-transformation, and the Unity of all Life.

    Our Objects

    The Three Objects of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand are:


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We are Explores of the Divine Wisdom, located in Auckland. We're part of a worldwide organisation.